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A day with no glory
A heart filled with fear
Still repeating his story
To make ourselves clear
A voice is unheard when it shouts
from the hills
Your king in his castel
Never died on these fields

His blood on your hands
A smile on your face
But wicked intentions
When his money to be made
A room with no windows
And a heart that can't feel
Shame with no convictions and a
view to a kill

Tell me why
And why must we fight
And why must we kill in the name
of what we think is right
and no more
no war
is how do you know

The hate in your eyes
The lies on your tongue
A hand that kills the innocence
who quit to do wrong
your belly is full
While we fight for what remains
The rich getting richer
While the poor become slaves

We kill our own brothers
The truth is never told
If victory is freedome
Then the truth is untold
Surrender your soldiers
Like everyone else
If love is my religion
Don't speak for myself

Tell me why
And why must we fight
And why must we kill in the name
of what we think is right
And no more
No war
Is how do you know

And how do you know ? (4X)

And please tell me why
And why must we fight
And why must we kill in the name
of what we think is right
And no more
No war
Is how do you know

I'm living this life
I'm givin this lies
And how do i die for the name
of what you think is right
And no more
HoO Lord
Is how do we know
And how do we know?


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A YUNUEN (Poema purepecha)

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